A wide variety of mediums are offered at Locust Street Art. Classes in Drawing and Painting for Children and Adults, Hand Built Ceramics, Pottery Wheel, B&W Film and Digital Photography, Hand Drawn and Stop Motion Animation.
Enroll today explore art and the creative process at your own pace.
Mid March - Mid June

Enrollment is open throughout the entire session and is not capped.
We do not expect students to come to every class.
Our classes are open classes which means that each student works on their own project and at their own pace! We offer multiple classtimes to help accommodate everyone’s busy schedules. You are also more than welcome to take multiple classes.
Need a Ride?
Arts Access Passholders can arrange transportation for FREE.
Arts Services Inc.'s Arts Access program aims to break the barriers of inaccessibility to the region's arts and culture sector. These barriers often include money, transportation, and knowledge of events.
We partner with local theaters, galleries, and other arts and culture organizations to offer free or reduced-cost opportunities to low-income Western New York residents and their families.
LSA is a partnering organization only. Please contact Arts Access directly with any questions regarding the pass or transportation.
Join us by making a donation today!

For 63 years Locust Street Art has been nurturing talent and creativity, empowering individuals to excel in the visual arts while fostering self-expression and a sense of belonging.
Help us continue to provide this vital space of exploration and creativity, particularly for youth, low-income and minority individuals.